Monday, 18 November 2013

This is what started it all

When this beauty landed in my kitchen before the Summer, it relegated my cookery books to the overcrowded bookshelves in the dining room, which necessitated a weeding out of all my paperback novels. Whilst the cookery books look great on the shelves, most of the novels are still languishing in a cardboard box near the back door. Reckon I've made more cakes than I've read books though!

My beautiful new mixer

Note to self

A brief post this. After the passing of Doris Lessing aged ninety-four yesterday, I realise that I have not read a single one of her books, and am probably the worse for it. I must take steps to rectify this, but since I  do not have any of her novels in the house, and need to read the books I do have in the house first, this could take a while! That is all!